as you might have recognized, the
ipod diary has disappeared during the last months, caused by the fact........ don't know, it has just disappeared. music needs time to grow, especially if it's precious. i don't know a single one of my all-time-favourite albums, which i liked within days. not that this is one of them, but at least it's great. it has already been agrarblog-presented some time ago (if my memory is not cheating on me), but during my stay in austria, it has developed daily, accompaning especially my car expeditions.
tele "wovon sollen wir leben". pure german pop with lyrics, so thoughtful, but weightless like a butterfly in the morning:
"schau mal in dein tagebuch. steht da was von morgen drin? streng dich an und denk nicht dran, wer hier was wofür kann. fang mit deiner arbeit an. und nehmen wir mal an, es geht alles schief, sing ein lied, wenn du weißt, wie das geht. es geht ah ha es geht uh hu." life ain't easy. but we can pretend it to be, at least for the duration of a car drive.
we don't need nothing
hab mal ein lied aus dem neuen album gehört, hat mich allerdings nicht vom hocker gerissen.
kusje uit münster