famous last words

what a strange coincidence, wolfgang, stumbling over...
Viv (Gast) - 2010-10-15 14:56
m hh
wie geht der da oben gezeigte mp3 player an
egal (Gast) - 2009-03-01 18:47
...musst mir jetzt nur...
...musst mir jetzt nur noch die adresse Deines neuen...
petra (Gast) - 2007-09-18 17:58


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all threads written by agrar


union1spending two days with american buddy jason in my home country. showing him a city of light, partly much more beautiful than i had in mind. talking about differences, (alleged) personal developments and above all the actual state of a union, originally installed to bring people closer together. at least in my romantic interpretation... however, we are far away from this keynote. the current european union faces two tendencies: the fortress character towards the outside - the non-member states, and an inner core of non-understanding and prejudice. the latter concerns me a lot and it is what i want to speak about now.

what does an austrian (or any other european) know about slovenia? or poland? or hungary? nothing. we live in our cities, surrounded by hills, seas and mountains, helping us to feel safe and among ourselves. looking beyond our own nose is simply not necessary, as long as a lot is going well. frugality between europe's inhabitants differs, yes. but it always exists. investing in an extraordinary idea, older than 50 years in the meantime? not at all. some people may argue now, that the formation of the union is based on economic thoughts. true. but what is the aim of economy, labour and employment? creating better life for people. the question concerning this, in my opinion, is always a directive one. is it right to place economy first? to look at life always in a top-down way? non lo so, but at least i don't think so. we first have to widen our minds, before we are able to live the social, political and economic ideas of an european union. how can we pretend to live together, when we don't even know, that bulgaria is the only country having a yogurt bacteria, we all eat every day. that the netherlands offers more than smoking weed in amsterdam. that the hungarian language doesn't know sexes. we can't, because we refuse to leave. our nations, our need of security and our lazyness. it's all falling back on us, that's for sure.
dogma2 - 2007-04-13 00:01

some do know something ...

living next to the hungarian frontier! :)


agrar - 2007-04-13 07:28

just a pity

that hungary is not europe...
onadaylike - 2007-04-13 11:02


i think you found the right formulation when you said "need of security" and "lazyness". we have it so comfortable ... we have it so comfortable to even think it's a problem who reaches the next round of starmania or dancing stars. too many people live at home in their flats or houses (so well equipped that 3/4 of the worlds population dream of it every day and night) and complain that the new ORF isn't as good as it should be. they read "kronen zeitung" and think they know what's going on in the world and what's going on with their neighbour, who originally is from turkey, and is nothing but a problem anyway. a foreigner problem - it's a shame such words even exist. instead of learning from each other, we are afraid that or over-the-top living standard (compared to 80-90% of the world's population) is in danger and that our culture (which is nothing but a mixture of all different regions of the world over the last 500 years) will be washed-up.

it's time to fuck up some peoples minds, because only if their minds get fucked up they will maybe be able to open their eyes and see that the world is more than what "Kronen Zeitung" tells you, and that there is far more in a person that the stereotypes and prejudices we are confronted with, everyday.

the eu is (i still believe it IS) a chance ... but only if they (what is actually WE) focus not only on neo-liberal economic exchange, but a social and cultural TOGETHER.

fee (Gast) - 2007-04-15 21:02

we are all the same (sometimes)

I don't think that there is only a problem of knowing other nations or cultures - for me there are more differences between social groups - social cultures within a country - Do you know them?! ...you are living a students live and you get to know other students, or living a soccer-player live and get to know other soccer-players - but are there really so many differences?! You are talking about foreigners but did you ever met and get to know people in your own country, who are "socially differnet"? Did you ever step out of your "Kaste", the "well-educated"? Aren't they kind of all the same just with differnent habbits, rules, experiences.. - natrurally because of another cultural backgound?
When I was in the Netherlands for Working out an European Report (we were 17 differnt european counrtries), we recognized one evening that we even have the same jokes in whole europe...-disappointing or not?

agrar - 2007-04-15 21:57

dear fairy

do you think, "student" is a word for a type of people or rather for the thing they are doing? they are completely different. and soccer players. all the same? not at all, and especially majoritarian not member of my "kaste".

my text was not about that anyway. not about differences. it was about getting to know each other. differences or not. same social background or not.

by the way. we are different.
Viv (Gast) - 2010-10-15 14:56


what a strange coincidence, wolfgang, stumbling over you, not when i called, but roughly a decade later ... perfect, on the other hand, because by the time we first met, my brother and i just had revived the discussions about cosmological themes that we used to lead during our free, wild years of youth, before entering the adults' lifes of daily labour. the rusted pipes within my brains slowly, slowly start breathing, whistling. some very familiar tunes in your blogs, a feeling like going back in time, or, just completing another circle.
strange to read about your three examples of bulgaria, the netherlands and, hungaria, because i have stories of my own for each of these countries. i think, however, it is not sufficient to know about the people and their lives in other countries. we should start with our families, our friends and our neighbours. that will render us susceptible for other peoples' thoughts and emotions and help us understand the complex aspects of human social, and, as a consequence, economical interaction.

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  • finish it off with some french wine and cheese. finally, it has to be him at this place. damien rice.

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