recent subject in austria: kids consuming alcohol until their heads fall off, endearingly called "
coma drinking". i even don't know for sure, why this discussion started just now, perhaps there was a young teenager drinking himself (or herself???) to hospital. however, suddenly the country screams out loud, that it has got a high-percent problem. i remember, when i started to go out. i was late, fucking late, sixteen or something. and i already wondered to that time about the
youth of the night. and now, almost ten years later, it's even younger. additionally, we face an explosive mixture of alcoholic availabilty, business pressure and medial overdose. not surprising, that the methanolic overdoses are following automatically... what to do? cultivating a new adolescent trend by inventing words like "
coma drinking"? rather not.

by the way. a felicitous political cartoon in today's austrian newspaper
salzburger nachrichten: the art of banality. not really part of the subject, but worth to show.