sometimes it's only a missing word. or a simple sentence. touching you, making you feel better.
thanks buddy, perfect timing! "kiss the future." taking this with me for tomorrow when going early to germany to have another knee investigation. my meniscus finally seems to be ruptured, and how pervert it may sound, i really hope it is. not knowing the core of my physical problem killed me continously during the last weeks. straight after the MRI scan going back to the netherlands to get operated in almelo in the afternoon. sleeping however is probably the best way to pass tomorrow's evening, keeping my flying thoughts down to earth. and afterwards investing everything i have in an all-embracing comeback. looking forward to looking forward...
lieber herr agrar!
ich habe die lektüre ihres blogs immer sehr genossen, dass wollte ich ihnen auf jeden fall mitteilen!
vielleicht sieht man sich ja irgendwann, und wenn es nur unbewusst in der u-bahn in wien sein sollte.
lieben gruß