passiert mir manchmal. da hör ich bestimmte songs monatelang ohne so richtig auf den text zu achten. und plötzlich bleibt mein ohr an einem satz hängen, fast unbewusst. und auf einmal eröffnen sich so schöne lyrics wie bei "half light" von athlete:
"Sun got stuck, as it's making it's way back down. We find ourselves, in a familiar part of town. And all that I've seen means nothing to me, without you.
So when I see you next we'll make the most of it. Tell the sun to start moving again. The taste of your kiss I've still got on my lips. And I'll take you there with me. Head crashed down, air condition myself to sleep. A great night out, that will continue to the end of the week. And all that I've seen means nothing to me, without you. So when I see you... It's you and me connected to a satellite. It's you and me and love through a machine. It's you and me connected to a satellite. It's you and me and love through a machine. So when I see you...
"Sun got stuck, as it's making it's way back down. We find ourselves, in a familiar part of town. And all that I've seen means nothing to me, without you.

agrar - 2006-04-27 22:56